LOWEST PRICE. Last chance today.

Less than 2 weeks til Micromobility Europe

Time’s running short, so we’ll keep this one brief: The 66% sale for Micromobility Europe tickets (June 5-6) is ending tonight at midnight.

Have you booked your tickets to the Amsterdam summit yet? This is your last chance to save €666.

  • 2 days of brilliant talks, networking opportunities, prizes, parties, and more

  • 100+ of the industry’s best and brightest speakers (have you seen the program?)

  • 1,000+ executive decision-makers from around the globe

Micromobility Europe will unite the entire urban mobility ecosystem, including technologists, operators, manufacturers, cities, brands, investors, policymakers, and more, from A-Z: Amazon, Bolt, Cannondale, Decathlon, Electrek, Foxconn, Google, HeroMotors, Inokim, Jokr, Kuickwheel, Lime, Mapbox, NIU, Ola, Pirelli, Qualcomm, Ryde, Specialized, Tier-Dott, Uber, Voi, Wolt, Yamaha, Zoomo — to name a few.

Don’t miss your chance to join the vanguard in Amsterdam on June 5-6.

PS Want to come to Micromobility Europe for free? We’re offering all-access passes to volunteers who can help lend a hand with registering guests next week. If this sound interesting to you, please get in touch.